
6 steps to overcome fear of public speaking

A recent Spanish article (el pais 2018) writing about Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia explains which variables can influence the development of this disorder and the various steps to fight it.

Three variables are identified:

  • A negative experience in the past
  • Shyness or introversion
  • Low self-esteem


Six steps are recommended to fight SOCIAL PHOBIA:

1. To deal with the problem

2. To exercise in front of a mirror

3. To prepare the speech

4. To learn to relax

5. To fix your sight in a specific point

6. Imagine the situation in positive

If you want to read the complete article in original (in spanish) click here:

If you think that you are suffering from social phobia contact one of our professionals specialist in anxiety disorders  also available for TREATMENTS AT THE HOUSE OF THE PATIENT also in English and Spanish.



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